(English version follows)
La peintre néo-zélandaise Henrietta Catherine Angus, dite Rita Angus, nait le 12 mars 1908 à Hasting, aînée d'une fratrie de 7 enfants. Elle étudie à Palmerston et démontre un vrai talent pour le dessin et est inscrite à des cours particuliers en art. En 1927, elle étudie à l'école d'art de Canterburry College à Christchurch. En 1929, son autoportrait “Self-portrait” remporte un franc succès et elle se marie à l'artiste Alfred Cook avec qui elle suit, à Auckland les cours d'A.J.C Fisher. Son style est influencé par l'art byzantin et le cubisme. En 1931, Angus peint “Blythe's Building” présenté lors de l'expo annuelle de The Group. Deux ans plus, à Christchurch, elle peint “The Aviatrix” un portrait de sa soeur Edna, l'une des premières femmes pilotes de Nouvelle-Zélande. Durant les années 1930, elle est illustratrice, enseigne, peint des aquarelles sur Canterbury et participe à plusieurs expositions dont celle de Cass, en 1936. Elle décède le 25 janvier 1970.
The New Zealand painter Henrietta Catherine Angus, known as Rita Angus, was born on March 12, 1908 in Hasting, the eldest of a family of 7 children. She studied at Palmerston and demonstrated a real talent for drawing and was enrolled in private art lessons. In 1927 she studied at Canterburry College Art School in Christchurch. In 1929, her self-portrait “Self-portrait” was a great success and she married the artist Alfred Cook with whom she attended A.J.C Fisher's courses in Auckland. Her style is influenced by Byzantine art and Cubism. In 1931, Angus painted “Blythe's Building” presented at The Group's annual exhibition. Two years later, in Christchurch, she painted “The Aviatrix” a portrait of her sister Edna, one of New Zealand's first female pilots. During the 1930s, she was an illustrator, taught, painted watercolors of Canterbury and participated in several exhibitions including that of Cass, in 1936. She died January 25, 1970.