Grande Bretagne

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(English version follows) Nicholas Harding naît en Angleterre en 1956 et arrive en Australie en 1965. Peintre britannique d'après-guerre et contemporain, il expose en tant que finaliste pour d'importants prix. Son travail est présenté dans de nombreuses expositions et musées. Il tient 23 expositions personnelles depuis 1992 et 100 expositions collectives depuis 1982. Les oeuvres de Nicholas Harding sont offertes aux enchères et réalisent jusqu'à 50 000 $ US. Il remporte à plusieurs reprises le Sulman Prize, le plus ancien prix d’art d’Australie depuis 1936. Son tableau « Robert Drewe » est un des finalistes du prix Archibald en Australie, le plus connu des prix d’art, et acheté par la National Portrait Gallery de Canberra pour sa collection permanente. ----- Nicholas Harding was born in England in 1956 and came to Australia in 1965. He has become a British postwar and contemporary painter who exhibited as a finalist for important prizes. His work is featured in numerous exhibitions and museums. He has had 23 solo exhibitions since 1992 and has been included in over 100 group exhibitions since 1982. Nicholas Harding's work has been offered at auctions and realized up to $50,000 USD. He has won many times the Sulman Prize, Australia's longest-running art prizes since 1936. His painting Robert Drewe was a 2006 Archibald Prize finalist Australia's best-known art prize, and was purchased by the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra for it’s permanent.collection.