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(English version follows)
Le peintre anglais Nicholas Jolly naît en 1962. Il étudie les beaux-arts au Gloucestershire College of Art. Un de ses autoportraits est accepté à la National Portrait Gallery de Londres. Après 3 ans à la Royal Academy, en 1991, il tient sa 1ere exposition à Londres et vend une de ses œuvres au Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. Un an plus tard, il expose pour illustrer les poses et les manières de la publicité des années 50. Il commence en 1996 un triptyque de 16 pieds de long « Fatal Collision », sur lequel il travaille 2 ans, représentant un accident de voiture qui remporte un haut prix d'achat à la Triennale d'Osaka en 2001. Il quitte la peinture mais revient en 2005.
The english paint artist Nicholas Jolly was born in 1962. He studied Fine Art at Gloucestershire College of Art in England. A self portrait was accepted at National Portrait Gallery in London. After 3 years at the Royal Academy, he began to exhibit. In 1991, he held his first solo exhibition in London, and one of his works was bought by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY. After a year, he exhibited in London portraying the poses and mannerisms of 1950’s advertising. In 1996, he worked 2 years on a triptych depicting a car crash. The 16 foot long painting « Fatal Collision » won a major purchase price at the Osaka Triennale in 2001. In 2005, after other activities, he decided to return to painting.