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(English version follows) Le peintre montréalais Rémi Labarre nait à Thetford Mines au Québec en 1977. Dans son enfance, il dessine sur cartons et papier… En septembre 1984, Il obtient quelques pinceaux, un coffret de couleurs et son premier tableau sèchera ce jour-là. Autodidacte, il commence à peindre à 15 ans dans sa chambre où il est influencé par 3000 pages de livres et magazines sur l'art. Peu à peu, Il crée des œuvres nostalgiques et intensives marquées par sa sensibilité face aux situations et influences qui le marquent dont John Singer Sargent, Richard Schmid, ses rencontres dans son Montréal et ses voyages à Paris, San Francisco et New York. ----- Montréal painter Rémi Labarre was born in Thetford Mines, Québec, in 1977. In his childhood, he drew on cardboard and paper… One day, in September 1984, he obtained a few brushes, a box of colors and his first painting would dry that day. Self-taught, his training began at the age of 15 with drawings, in a child's room, influenced by 3000 pages of books and magazines on art ... As an adult, he moved to Montreal and created nostalgic and intensive works influenced by his sensitivity to John Singer Sargent, Richard Schmid plus situations and interactions in his Montreal and elsewhere during his travels in Paris, San Francisco and New York.